Tuesday, April 15.
Wouldhave andleinden, Leeds., tailors--Matthews and Strickland, Seymour Streffe.! Portman Square, surgeons-.Stevens and Co. Stowmarket, Suffolk, brewers ; as far AL regards T. and W.Prentioe--RobIns and Co. Taviatoek, attornies-Baron and Co. Thump. Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Shenton and Bills, Strangeways-Gower and Co. Mein Street, Newington Butts, drapers-Ratnett and Beales, Cambridge, tailors-Turnerand Greenwood, Cross Street, Hatton Garden, placard-exhibitors-Holmes and Moores Manchester, joiners -Birmingham Metal and Colour Company, Birmingham; as far sA regards fi, Barker-Little audEearie, Devonport, attornies-W.and E.M. Freer, attorniea -Ainsworth and Co. Oldloun, coal-propriatore-Philllps and Co. lIttexeter, wOoletapiens -Fergusson and Pooley, St. Martin's Lane, woollendrapers-Brown and Son, Cardiff.' shipbrokers- Herbert and Robinson, St. George's Terrace, Bayswater Road, victuallerist --Stiebel turd Co. Jamaica, merchants: as far as regards S. Schloss-Parkinson and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, shipbuilders-Ryland and Modhuirat, Tudor Place, Tottenham. Court Road, music-smiths.-Fleming and Dram, James Place, Hatton Old Town, school-proprietore-T.-and W: P. Sherley, Bedford, grocers-E. and E Manley, Burnt ley, grocers-Gibson and Muirs, Cheopside, silk-manufacturers-Hinshaw and Co. Gibes sow, merchants-Peter-and Co. Dundee, merchants; as far as regards J. Peter seas ,
AYTON, JOSEPH JOBLING, South Shields, linendraper, to surrender April 29, June at. solicitors, Mr. Hodgson, Broad Street Buildings ; Mr. Wilson, South Shields ; official assignee, Sir. Baker, Neweastle-upon-Tyne. BARRER, PEESTON, Shelton, Staffordshire, publican, April 26, 31ar 27 solicitors; Mr. Challinor, Heeler; Messrs. Idotteram andKnowles, Birmiugham ; official assignee. Mr. Valpy, Birmingham,
Berm, Witarsit Wiesen's, Liverpool, merchant, April 25, May 20 Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Frubsbam, Liverpool ; official assignee., Mr. Turner, Liverpool.
Bin:anew' Jos, St. Alban's, draper, April 25, May.27 solicitor, Mr. Walker, Fur- nival's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Groom Abchurch Lane, DODD, THOMAS STEWEED, Liverpool, Innkeeper, April 28, May 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Bridger and Blake, London Wall ; Mx. Dodge, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Casa- nova, Liverpool. HAJLPSON, KENRICK FREDERICK ALEXANDER., Walnut-Tree Walk, Lambeth, gas. fitter, April 25, May 20: solicitor, Mr. snattb, Wilmington Square ; official assignee. 31r. Pennell, Basinghall Street.
Bowen:sox, Warren, Weston Street, Pentonville, slater, April 24, May 27: 001.6.
citor, Sir. Nash, Ourwell Stead; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. - Jake's, Joann and Jet..., Great Bush Lane, Cannon Street, wine-merchants, April 24, June 6; solicitor, Sir. Gale, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, 31r. Green. Aldermanbury. dories, Warren, Stamford Street, commisskon-agent, April 25, May 27 : solicitor.; Mr. Crouch, Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Idr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard._ Jones, JOHN, Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire, butcher, April 26, Slay 27: solicitors, Messrs., Bonner and Son, Spalding; Massie. Moueram and Knowles, Birmingham; official at- signee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.
OVERT:1.1D, HANNAH, Bristol, eardmaker, April 28. May 19; solicitors, Messrs. Wham- worth and Co. Gray's Inn ; Mr. Cronhelm, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Fearne, Leeds. Perri:erne, Wurr,u4 Betenn.i., Liverpool, currier, April 25, May 23.
Messrs. Vincent and Co. Templer. .1dr. Jones, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.
LEADER, JOHN MORGAN, Oxford Street, coachmaker, April 25, May 29; solicitors., Messrs. Bailey and Shaw, Berners Street ; Official assignee, Mr. Graham' Coleman SS SPENCB, Wuxuat WHITAKER, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, woollendraper, April 23, May : solicitors, Messrs. A'Beckett and Co. Golden Square ; official assignee, Mr. Watley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
WooLL.ssus, Jones, Charles Street, Manchester Square, builder, April 25, May 29:: solicitor, Mr. Kernot, Welbeck Street ; official assignee, Mr. 'Ttirquand, Old Jewry Chambers. DIVIDENDS.
May 7, Speyer, High Holborn, tailor-May 7, Colt, Long Melford, Suffolk, grocer- May 8, Enlister, Derby, linendraper-May 6, Morris, Long Lane, Bermondsey, leather- dresser-May 8, Pringle, Morpeth. Northumberland, carrier-May 8, Blake, Sunder.. land, hardwareman-May 8, Caton, Preston, ironmonger-May 8, Heron, Manchester., cotton-spinner. CERTIFICATES. To be granted, unless cause be Moms IS the contrary, on the day of meeting. May 6, Beard, Deptford, builder-May 8, North, Map's Row, Stepney Green, victual, lee-May 6, Smith sen., Minto Street, Bermondsey, wool-miumfacturer -May 8, Gibe bons, Eaton, Buckinghamshire, grocer-May 6, Peters, Godstone, innkeeper-May r., Colt, Long Melford, grocer-May 8, Davis, Ewhurst, Sussex, wine-agent-May.7, YOB lop, Hackney, carpenter-May 7Fleetham, Hartlepool, grocer-May 8, Knight, Men. cheater, oil-cloth-manufacturer-May 8, Turner, Bolton-le-Moors, ironfoluider-Mar 27, Wood, Barnsley, Yorkshire, llnen-mantifacturer--May- 9, Benbow, Liverpool merchant. Iforkahire, seed-crusher ; final div. of aid., and div. of 8s. 54d. upon new proofs ; on April 15, or any aubsequeut Tuesday ; Mr. Pewit% Leeds-Wathen, Woodchester, Gloucestershire, clothier ; first and final thy. of 90. on April 16, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Kynaston, Bristol-Kearsiey and Watt, Runcorn, Cheshire, bone- merchants; div. of 8d., div. of 2s. 5t4. on the separate estate of T. Watt, and div. of ra. 8d. on the separate estate of T. Kearsley, on April 29, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Carter and Comforth, Liverpool, merchants ; third div. of .81d. on April 14, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-Cork and De Corie, New Bond Street, coachbuilders ; first div. of 6a. on April 16, and two subsequent Wed- nesdays; Mr. Tamarind, Old Jewry-Postan, Aldersgate Street, appraiser; final div of 3s. 2id. on April 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry- Stringer, Houndrulitch, wholesale clothier ; final div. of 60. on April 16, and two sub- sequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Perkins and Woolley, Stamford, drapers ; first div. of 6s. 24. on April 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Tur- quand, Old Jewry-Nutter, Cambridge, miller ; second div. of ld. on April 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-G. F. and L. D. Smith, Gutter Lane, crape-nutnufacturers ; first div. of 2s. 6d. on the separate estate of G. F. Smith, and first div. of 3s. on the separate estate of L. D. Smith, on April 16, and two subse- quent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Watson and Byers, Skinner Street, woollen-warehousemen; first div. of 2s. on April 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Kelson, Canterbury, builder ; first div. of 6d. on April 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Yardy, Portsmouth, linen- draper ; Brat div. of 2s. on April 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Billingsley jun., Harwich, merchant ; first div. of 4s. 3d. on April 16, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.
- HOLM, W., Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, fanner, April 24, May 15.
- Hour, J., Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, farmer, April 25, May 22.
Jamieson, W., Dundee merchant, April 21, May 10.
SPCoaturataxe, D., Glasgow, merchant, April 22, May 15.
3facn0sein, J., Kingerloch, Argyllshire, sheep-dealer, April 23, May 20. Krem, A., Stirling, merchant, April 22, May 13. WIceorr, Rev. D., Streamer, Wigton, cattle-dealer, April 22, May 13.
Friday, April 18.
Wilkins and Co. Blue Anchor Road, Bermondsey, tanners-Wilkins and Co. Blue An- chor Road, Bermondsey, curriers-Knight and Edwards, Ruabon, Denbighshire, stone- masons-Gunner and Sons, Bishop's Waltham, bankers ; as far as regards T. Gunner- Richardson and Co. Kelfield, Yorkshire, brick-makers-Richardson and Townsley, Selby and Kellield, Yorkshire-Rucastle and Co. Penrith, British wine dealers-Wat- son and Co. Mark Lane, manufacturing-chymists-Westwoods and Hudson, metallic- pen-manufacturers-J. and L. J. Hansard, Great Turnstile, printers-Harsant and Brown St. Saviour's, Southwark, cane-dealers-Tulloch and Johnson, South Aud- ley Street, Grosvenor Square, surveyors-Leonard and Moran, Regent Street, hosiers, --Niceols and Davies, Manchester, cedico-manufacturers-Smith and Son, Alton, Staffordshire, paper-manufacturers--W. and C. Hirst, Kirkburton, Yorkshire, clothiers ..4. and L. Leigh, Bollington, Cheshire, cotton-spinners-Miller and Co. Manchester, cotton-dealers; as far regards B. Colley-Wilson and Brodie, Berwick-upon-Tweed, linendrapers-Collins and Weller, Ebony, Kent, farmers-Vibert and Bayly, London
Street, ship-brokers. INSOLVENT.
• SLATES., EDWARD, Montpelier Square, Brompton, cabinet-maker, April 18. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.
Maria, Jativa, Southampton, bootmaker.
DANT, Jos, Dollen Street, Wardour Street, saddle-tree-maker, to surrender, April 35, May 30: solicitor, Messrs. A'Beckett and Sympson, Golden Square ; official assig- nee, Mr. Belcher, King's Anne Yard.
COOK, HENRY POLLEY, Coggeshall, victualler, April 25, June 3: solicitors, Messrs. 3PLeod and Stenning, London Street ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
Corms, Tumble HOLBROOK, Argyle Street, wine-merchant, May 2, June 6: solici- tor, Mr. Cross, Surrey Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghalt Street.
Fiera, CHARLES Mousier, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, lithographic-printer, April 39, May 28: solicitor, Mr. Browne, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Ba- minghall Street.
Hun., Joserm, Stroud, Gloucestershire, hatter; may 1, June 3: solicitor, Mt. Keeney, Stroud; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.
ISHERWOOD, Geoace FREDERICK STANLEY, Manchester, engraver to calico-printers, May 1, 2*: solicitors, Messrs. Makinson and Saunders, Temple ; Mr. Barlow, Man- chester; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.
Jones, THOMAS, Liverpool, coal-dealer, April 25, May 20: solicitors, Messrs. Parker and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Greatley, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
LONG, Josere, Tavistock, linendraper, April 29, May 22: solicitors, Mr. Spyer, Broad Street Buildings ; Mr. Turner, Exeter; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.
Paasosts, Wuzzam, Bristol, brewer, May 1, June 3; solicitor, Mr. Leman, Bristol ; Official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.
PICKERING, Joan', Cornbury Place, Old Kent Road, dealer, April 29, May 28: soli- citors, Messrs. Desborough and Young, Size Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
Rees, THOMAS Pomona, Crooked Lane Chambers, King William Street, iron-mer- chant, April 29, May 30; solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and flews, Bucklersbury ; offi- cial assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchiu Lane.
SPRAGUE, JOHN WARDEN, Poole, Dorsetshire, grocer, April 25, May 29 : solicitor, Mr. Wilkins, Furnivars Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.
Brew, Wn.z.zam Barmow, Jamaica Row, Bermondsey, sail-maker, April 29, May 30: solicitor, Mr. Brown, Walbrook ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingliall Street, ljaMtewoon, Wirteram, late of High Street, Southwark, grocer, April 25, May 30: Solicitor, Mr. Turner, Mount Place, Whitechapel ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager Mr- chin Lane.
" WILLIAM, Joni!, Abergavenny, carpenter, May 1, 30: solicitor, Mr. Nash, Bristol ; Official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
• May 9, Gorton junior, Grosvenor Row, bookseller-May 10, Johnson senior, Rota- ford, banker-May 9, Overton, Queen Street, Grosvenor Square, coach-plater-May 9, Flintoff, Plymouth, bookseller-May 9, Morrison, Hammersmith, merchant-May 9, 31.ffilchamp, Birmingham, wine-merchant-May 9, Mann, Kingston-upon-Hull, wine- merchant-May 9, Green, Birmingham, merchant-May 14, Harley, Wolverhampton, plumber-May 9, Grew, Birmingham, brush-maker.
Pb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting, May 9, Wilson, Jermyn Street, boot-maker-May 9, Metcher, Southampton, plumber -May 9, Hart, Greenwich, builder-May 13, Ayling, Leeds, cabinet-maker-May 12, Whittenbary, Leeds, cheese-factor-May 13, Conyer and Co. Batley Carr, Yorkshire, seribbling-millers-May 16, Bayley, Cheswardine, near Market Drayton, apothecary- May 12, Wright, Leeds, grocer. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore Nay 9.
Libbis, Stratton St. Mary, Norfolk, innkeeper-Wilson, Devtabury, Yorkshire, brewer -Newbold, Nottingham, tailor-White, Reading, tatior-Newton, Bath, coal-merchant -Blake, Norwich, mohair-manufacturer-Whitlow, Manchester, laceman-Robson and Barrow, Limehouse, patent-pump-manufacturers.
Mathews, Gowen Street, Post-office stamper ; first div. of 2s., April 23, and two subse- quent Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Camp, otherwise Kempe, Abingdon; Ant div. of ls. 3d., April 23, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Oliver and York, Stoney Stratford, bankers ; third div., of U. 3d., any Wed- nesday; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall street-Moss, Guildford Place, Kennington, clerk in the General Post-office; first div. of Is. 104., April 23, and two subaequent Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Bayward, Bedford Place, Commercial Road, milliner ; first dlv. of 6s., April 23, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry- Schram, Westbourne Green, Paddington, schoolmistress ; first div. of 54., April 23, and two subsequent Wednesdays; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Shapeott, Southampton, vicar ; first div. of of Is. 4d., April 23, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Tristram, Seaford, Nottinghamshire, beerhouse-keeper ; final div. of 2s., any day on and after April 21; Mr. Young, Leeds-Jackson, Leeds, engineer ; first and final div. of Is. Hid., any day on and after April 21 ; Mr. Young, Leeds-Roberts, jun., late of Calverley, Yorkshire, merchant ; first and final div., of 914., any day on and after April 21; Mr. Young, Leeds-Blazdell, Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, harp- maker ; first div. of I04., any Saturday; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury-Thomas, Mark Lane, corn-merchant ; first and final div. of Is. 3d., any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Alder- manbury.
GILLIM, J., Glasgow, April 23, May 14.
Perim J., Edinburgh, April 23, May 14.
Scow, J., Glasgow, cattle-dealer, April 25, May 16. Pb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May 6.
Kempe, Liverpool, shipowner-Robinson, Moulton, Lincolnshire, fellmonger-Fairfatr, Leamington Priors, printer-Cash, Whitechapel Road, ironmonger-Argent, Golden Lane, Barbican, victualler-Withers, Ming, Hampshire, merchant-Tomkinson, Kt& dermhater, linendraper-Beck, Tiverton, Devonshire, cabinetmaker.
Maund, Birmingham, laceman ; first div. of 2s. 6d. on April 19, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry-Tempest, Leeds, grocer ; first and final div. of 55. on April 15, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fearne, Leeds-Parker, Rotherham,