The Swiftsure, Johnson, from New South Wales to Mauritius, was totally lost In Torres Straits on the 4th July. Crew and passengers saved by the Resource, arrived at the Mauritius.
The James and Thomas, Ashbridge, from London to Bombay, was driven ashore at the Cape on the 26th September, but got off with assistance, after discharging part of her cargo.
The Ganges, Renner, which put back to Liverpool, having been newly coppered, pro- ceeded on her voyage to Bengal on Thursday. Arrived.—At Gravesend, Dec. 14th, Alfred, Lewis, from New South Wales ; Arethusa, Johnson, from Singapore ; Renown, Baker, from Bengal ; Africa, Skelton, from Colombo and Mauritius ; 11th, Eliza, Dixon, from Bombay ; 16th, Wilna, Tait, from the Cape. Off Dartmouth, Dec. 150), Harri.:t, late Young, from Batavia for Antwerp ; 16th, Resource, Stodhart, from Bengal. At the Cape, Sept. 19th, Rifleman, Bleasdale, from Bombay; 25th, Madeline, Caghlan, from London for Madras and the Straits of Malacca. At Mauritius, Aug. 14th, Hero of Malown, Stadd, from London! for Bombay. At Aujer, July 28th, H. C. S. Scaleby Castle, Burnett, from London to China. At Batavia, Aug. 1, Tobacco Plant, Reed, from Liverpool. At Bahia, Oct. I 1 th, Wanstead, Friend, from London to Swan River.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, Dec. 12th, Queen Charlotte, nudism, for Bombay; 16th, Batavia, Blair, for Batavia; 17th, Hebe, Douglas, for the Cape ; and Minerva, Hare, for the Cape and Mauritius. From IdirerPoolr 17tbr Ganges; limner,fur Bengal,
Spoken.-Jamaica, froin Clyde to Bombay, 18th August, 13 north, 24 west. Surrey, from London to Van Diemen's Land, 30th Sept. 13 south, 30 west. Rambler, from Lon- don to the Cape, 6th Nov. 22 west. Bussorah Merchant, from London to New South Wales, 1st Nov. 10 north, 22 west.
By the Resource, Stodhart, letters have been received from Bengal to the 3d July, Mauritius, 5th Sept, and St. Helena, 21st Oct. The Hero, Brodie, with rice, from Bengal, has been totally lost at the Mauritius, crew saved. The. Capricorn, Smith, and Reso- lution, Parker, arrived there from London, on the 31st Aug.; and the Lord Melville, Brown, from Batavia, at St. Helena, on the 15th Oct.