East India Shipping. Saturday Morning.
The Swiftsure, Johnson, from New South Wales to Mauritius, was totally lost In Torres Straits on the 4th July. Crew and passengers saved by the Resource, arrived at the......
Hunting Appointments.
His Majesty's Stag Hounds meet on Monday, at Thorpe; and Thursday, at Two-Mile Brook-at half-paid ten. The Bri g hton Hurlers meet on Monday, at Patcham ; Wednesday, at the Race......
From The London Gazettes.
Tuesday, Dec. 15. PARTNERSHIPS TnssoLvEn.-PEARSON and HARRISON, Long Eaton, Derbyshire, lace-makers-Rt.:max and REES, Tredegar Ironworks, Bedwelty. Monmouthshire, tat-......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BtaTits.-In Fitzwilliam-square, Dublin, the Viscountess Bangor of a son-On the 8th inst. the Lady of John Woodbead, Esq. of Nether-thong, of two sons and a daugh- ter: the two......