News Of The Week.
IT is still asserted most stoutly, in the Liberal journals of Paris, that a change of Ministry is at hand ; but no change has yet taken place. These papers are not less absurd......
The Late Illness Of The Emperor Nicholas Is Now Currently
ascribed to a fit of fear, to which he was subjected by the falling of a vase during the night, in a closet adjoining his bedroom. Such a circumstance is associated, it seems,......
It Has Been Confidently Stated That Government Is...
redeem the 4 per cent. Stock, by converting it into 31 or even, as some allege, into 3 per cent. The whole account, we may premise, is but' a rumour,—Government has not......
We Have Received A Communication Professedly From The...
of Time's Tele- scope. We do not know that it is authentic ; and were it so, we cannot understand how its author could expect its insertion, except as an advertisement.......