The Church.
TOPICS OF THE DAY. THE Times has announced that certain Church reforms are contem- plated, as sweeping in principle as any reformer could wish. It is proposed to take from the......
City Amateur Concerts.
WHATEVER else may be in a state of decline in the City, certain music thrives. Of amateur instrumental talent, we suspect that far ilw larger proportion is to he found eastward......
Beau Brummell.
THE historian MuNcHAusEN tells us of a region where the cold is so intense as to freeze words, which remain congealed till a thaw, when the uproar of Babel is produced by the......
Adelphi Theatre — Utilitarian Pastime.
THE firm of " Mathews, Yates, and Elephant " had on Thursday night the high honour of a visit from one of the most remarkablO men that the last thousand years has produced,—Mr.......
The King And "the Club."
OUR arguments have convinced the King ! He has declared his ap- probation of the principles which we have recommended, and set the stamp of supreme fashion on economy. His......
The East India Question — Mr. Buckingham's Lectures. Mr....
to town, where he means to repeat his lectures on Egypt and Southern Asia, and on the monopoly of the East India Company. In his tour, as was to be anticipated, he has made......