Anecdotal Reminiscences of distinguished Literary and Political Characters, with Autographs, by Mr. Leigh Cliffe—Literary Recollections and Biographical Sketches, by the Rev. R. Warner, F.A.S.L.—Folio Illustrations of Indian Zoology, from the Collection of Major-General Hardwicke, selected and arranged by S. E. Gray--The Poetry of the Magyars, with an Account of the Language and Literature of Hungary and Transylvania, by Dr. Bowring.
Mr. Murray's new list announces—Consolations In Travel, or, the Last Days of a Phi- losopher, by Sir Humphry Davy. A Memoir of the Life and Public Services of the late Sir Thomas Stamford Rattles. The Book of Psalms, newly translated from the Hebrew, and with Explanatory Notes, by W. French, D.D., Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, and G. Skinner, M.A.,,Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Giovanni Finati. The Life of Julius Caesar, by the Author of the Life of Alexander the Great. Financial Reform, by Sir Henry Parnell. The Kirby Letters, a Family Tour from Yorkshire to Penzance. Principles of Geology, by C. Lyell, F.R.S. The Life of Sir Humphry Davy, comprising a great part of his early Corres- pondence, by Dr. Paris. Klatier.Klattowski, author of the " German Synoptical Grammar," has in the press, In 2 vols. " A Manual of German Literature, Intended for self-tuition." The whole selection will be illustrated by copious explanatory Notes, and the first portion of the work will be accompanied by an interlinear analytical translation. Mr. Klauer has also nearly ready for publication, " A Manual of Icelandic Literature, with an Abridg- ment of Dr. Rask's Swedish Icelandic Grammar.
InterlInearTranslations of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates, and Gregory's Conspectus, are preparing by Mr. Underwood. The Rev. Hobart Caunter is preparing for publication a poem entitled the Island Bride, with an illustration by Martin.
Musical Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, by Eliza Flower.
Bishop of London's Sermons at St. Botolph's, 8vo. 12s. bds.—The Oracle of Health, Rte., by Medicos, 12mo.63. bds.—Thoughts on Laughter, 1 ilmo. 3s. bds.—New Scheme of Evangelical Religion, 12mo. 2s. 6d. bds.—Summary and Index to Herodotus, l2mo. 8s. ; 8vo. 10s. 6d. bds.—Bland's Annotations on St. Mark, Svo. 6s. 6d. bds.—Thoughts on An- tinumianism, by Sylvanus, post 8vo.) 4.s. bds.—Murray on Atmospherical Electricity, post 8vo. 6s. bds.