Ox FOR n„ December 17.—This day the following degrees were conferred. Doctor in Civil Law W. Morgan, Esq. Fellow of Magdalen. Masters of Arts—E. 0. Hughes, Jesus ; Rev. H. N. G. Armstrong, St. John's ; S. It. Bosanquet, 'Christ Church ; Rev. T. Scard, Magdalen Hall. Bachelors of Arts—J. E. E. S. Wadham, Grand Com- pounder; A. F. B. St. Leger, Brasennose, Grand Compounder ; J. T. 'Nye, Queen's ; T. Richards, Queen's ; J. P. Simonet, St. Edmund's Hall ; G. Thompson, Magdalen Hall ; W. North. W. Williams, E. Davies, W. Dyer, Jesus ; C. Croft, Scholar of Uni- versity ; G. G. Ponmonby, University ; J. C. Pack, Christ Church ; J. Young, Corpus ;
C. F. B, Wood, Scholar of Pembroke ; N. C. Strickland, W. Drake, IL H. Pearson, Lincoln ; J. J. Vaughan, Merton ; E. T. B. Twisleton, Scholar of Trinity ; B. Ban- ning, Trinity ; J. F. Stuart, Trinity.
CAMBRIDGE, December 18.—His Royal Highness the Chancellor being pleased to give annually a third gold medal for the encouragement of English poetry, to such resi- dent undergraduate as shall compose the best ode, or the best poem in heroic verse,— the Vice Chancellor gives notice that the subject for the present year is Byzantium.
The representatives in Parliament for this university being pleased to give annually, (I) Two prizes of fifteen guineas each, for the encouragement of Latin prose compo- sition, to be open to all Bachelors of Arts, without distinction of years, who are not of sufficient standing to take the degree of Master of Arts ; and (2) Two other prizes of fif- teen guineas each to be open to all undergraduates, who shall have resided not less than seven terms, at the time when the exercises are to be sent in—The subjects for the pre- sent year are (1) For the Bachelors, Quantum momenti, ad studium rei Theologicre promovendum, bobcat literarum humaniorum coitus ? (2) For the undergraduates, Qum sit forma neXortref ad Grreche renascentis statum optime accommodate ?
Sir Wm. Browne having bequeathed three gold medals, valve five guineas each, to such resident undergraduates as shall compose—(1) The best Greek Ode in imitation of Sappho ; (2) The best Latin Ode in imitation of Horace; (3) The best Greek Epigram, after the model of the Anthologia ; and (4) The best Latin Epigram, after the model of Martial.—The subjects for the present year are—(I) For the Greek Ode, Ilyssi Lima; (2) For the Latin Ode, Comte ; (3) For the Greek Epigram, .tEgrescit medendo ,; (4) For the Latin Epigram, Spatiis inclusus iniquIs.
The Porson prize is the interest of 4001. stock,to be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident undergraduate as shall make the best translation of a proposed passage in Shakspeare, Ben Jonson, Messinger, or Beaumont and Fletcher, into Greek verse. The subject for the present year is Romeo and Joliet, Act ii. Scene 2; beginning---" He jests at scars," titc.; and ending—" I'll no longer be a Capulet." ',eat week F. AL Randall, Esq. B.A. of St. Peter's College, was elected a Travelling Bachelor, on the foundation of the late Mr. Worts—On Wednesday, Mt. D. D. Swop- sun, of Trinity Hall, was admitted Bachelor of Arts.