STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING, HALF-PAST TEN.—We have had very little business in Consols this week, but there has been fluctuations to the extent in the whole of z per cent. The aspect of the Market has also been less favourable for a rise, partly owing to sonic considerable sales of Stock for Money, and the consequent scarcity of the latter. Some slight effect has also been produced by the discussions respecting the expected con- version of the 4 per Cents, which have been carried on with all the vehe- mence and acrimony which men feel when their pockets are touched. Money has been in demand at 4, and even 5 per cent., for short periods, and Exche- quer Bills and India Bonds are lower: the whole week has passed off very quietly.
The highest price of Consols was on Wednesday, NI, ; the lowest on Thurs- day, ft the present, eg to In the Foreign Market, Portuguese Bonds have been in demand, and
to elm(' yesterday, but the last price was 56. All the other Foreign se- ies are rather higher than last week's prices, but the fluctuations have bey ;1 inconsiderable.
The attention of the I' - :ket is now absorbed by Brazil Shares, which have adve.v.ed from 53 pieem. the price of yesterday morning) to 73 prem. the
pros; rice. Some large purchases yesterday, suppoeed to have been on
the s • . of news received by parties who have, however, kept their own cone The Directors have despatches thine morning, but the contents . transpired, Tweteee.—There has been but little business in Consels ; but
Iveter, to 7. The great interest of the day is in Brazil have been done at Mt., and arc now US!. per Share. The r, ee. el from the Mines this morning by the Directors are most
favourable; tbs. of gold having been raised in eight days.
awl: Stork, 217 Colombian, 2:31 23.
3 per Cent. I(:duce:1, 93.1 1)in", 1824,6 per Cent. per Cent. Consols, Oanish, 3 per Cent. 74 741 It per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents. 1 per Cent. Reduced, 1(33 ,) Ditto 3 per Cents.
-OS 4 per Cents. 1822, Greek 5 per Cent. 261 27 per Cents. 1S26, 1n5i. Mexican, 6 per Cent. 241 25,1 ong Annuities, (which expire Stir Jan. Neupolitan,5 per Cent.
860) 19i 5-16ths Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 167 171
ralia Stock, Mr. 10.1 per Cent. Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 56 5lti1 oath Sea Stock, div. Si per Cent. Prussian, ndia Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, RUSSiZLII, MI 109 1529, thereafter:3per Cent.) 67 65 Spanish, 101 2 xeherpter Bills, (interest ltd. per cent. SHARES. per diem,) 73 74 Anglo-Mexican, 401. -121. onsols lot Account 941 p,- Brazilian, Imperial. 951.
ustrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Holum's, 4591. 4901.
azilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 67.1 65 Colombian, 71. 81.
nenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 26 28 United ItIc.6 'an. I SI. 18/. lOs.
FUNDS. Cli1muc E per Cent. 26 28 FOREIGN i'uxos. Real del Monte, 721. 10s. 7U.