19 DECEMBER 1908, Page 2

The specific reforms proposed by Lord Morley include the enlargement

of the Provincial Councils by a number of members elected by munioipalities, landlords, Mohammedans, Chambers of Commerce, and the Indian commercial com- munity. These Provincial Councils will have extensive powers of debating and passing resolutions on financial and other business. The Governor may, however, veto their decisions. There is to be a similar enlargement of the size, powers, and duties of the Imperial Legislative Council, but here the official majority is to be maintained. The Executive Councils of the Governors of Bombay and Madras are to be enlarged, and one member at least is to be a native of India. Power is given to create Executives in the other provinces. There is apparently to be no Constitu- tional change as regards the Viceroy's Council—i.e., the Executive Council of the Government of India—but Lord Morley expressed his intention, should a vacancy occur, to recommend the appointment of a native. "This had the cordial approval of Lord Minto." We will not now go into the question as to whether this is a wise step, but we may point out that one of the difficulties is the fact that no one native can possibly represent the native views of all India. If the native chosen is a Mohammedan, he will not represent the majority,—i.e., the Hindus. If he is a Hindu, a great minority which has shown itself specially loyal and friendly to British rule will go totally unrepresented. We do not say that this is a fatal objection to the scheme, but it is one that we are bound to take note of We Cannot leave the subject without offering our sincerest congratulations to Lord. Morley for the manner in which he has faced, and continues to face, the difficult responsibilities of his high office.