We Have Received The Annual Volume Of The Reliquary And
Illustrated Archaeologist, Edited by the Rev. J. Charles Cox, LL.D., XIV. of New Series (Bemrose and Sons, 12s. net). This, we may remind our readers, is a quarterly journal,......
Roses, And How To Grow Them. By Rose G. Kingsley.
(Whittaker and Co. 6s. net.)—Miss Kingsley tells us how to make a rose garden and what to grow in it, and how to prune and propagate. She illustrates what she says by telling of......
A Parson In The Australian Bush. By C. H. S.
Matthews, M.A. (Edward Arnold. 6s. net.)—A reader in England must feel himself somewhat at a loss in estimating this book. Mr. Matthews • pleads for the use of brotherhoods in......
Charles Dickens, The Apostle Of The People. By Edwin Pugh.
(The New Age Press. 5s. net.)—Mr. Pugh has certainly some- thing worth hearing to say about Dickens. And we may make use of it without accepting some strange dicta which we find......
Tyburn Tree: Its History And Annals. By Alfred Marks....
Langham, and Co. 15s. net.)—If any one has a taste for horrors, here he may satisfy it to the full. We do not say that these things should not be recorded, but it should, we......
The Diva's Ruby. By F. Marion Crawford. (macmillan And. Co.
Os.)—The character of a heroine must be indeed a masterly creation for the reader to wish to follow her through three novels. Mr. Marion Crawford seems to find his present......
Readable Novals.—sister Anne. By Madame Albanesi. (hodder...
modern story in which a quiet elder sister sacrifices herself for the benefit of her brilliant junior. The sacrifice, however, turns out to be to the advantage of the......
The Revolt Of The Potemkin.' By Constantine Feldmann....
the Russian by Constance Garnett. (W. Heine- mann. 68. net.)—The story opens at Odessa, one of the great mannfactaring centres of Russia; we see at once how closely economical......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been r eserved for review in other forms.] The Exploration of Egypi and the Old Testament. By J. G arrow Duncan,......