Education And Unrest In India-
rTo THR EntToR Or THE "SPECFATOR.1 Sin,—There is a great deal of force in the statements made by Mr. H. C. Irwin in his letter entitled "Sedition in India" (Spectator, November......
Land Values Taxation.
rTo TEE EDITOIS OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,-Mr. Heramerde's point that "this building value is the creation not of the Duke of Northumberland but of the people of Northumberland"......
A Canker In Imperial Administration. [to The Zoitor Of The
" sesorwroto] Sin,—As a resident of many years' standing in Nyasaland (formerly known as the British Central Africa Protectorate), I think you deserve the thanks of all classes......
The Recommendations Of The Lords' Committee.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—To reimport the hereditary principle into a reconstructed House of Lords would surely be to reimport the dry-rot. That principle has had......