A Canker In Imperial Administration. [to The Zoitor Of The
" sesorwroto] Sin,—As a resident of many years' standing in Nyasaland (formerly known as the British Central Africa Protectorate), I think you deserve the thanks of all classes......
[to Vas Editor Of The "spectator:]
you believe one who has spent long years in such places, there would be less drink and immorality among men in the outlying parts of the Empire, deprived of the refining......
China And The Future. [to The Editor Of Thb "
SPECTATOR."f SIR,—In your most interesting article under the above beading in your issue of October 10th, just to hand, the writer appears to have committed one oversight. In......
The Right To "ca' Canny."
(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—I should like to tell you of an incident which has come within my personal knowledge. It bears on the above subject, and incidentally......