Roses, and How to Grow Them. By Rose G. Kingsley.
(Whittaker and Co. 6s. net.)—Miss Kingsley tells us how to make a rose garden and what to grow in it, and how to prune and propagate. She illustrates what she says by telling of failures and successes. And she has beautified her book by a number of fine illustrations. Also, for the sake of the ambitious, she has included a chapter by an expert, the Rev. F. Page-Roberts. We are glad to see some words of hearty praise of the old favourite, known in England for now more than three centuries, the "cabbage rose." The weak spot, so to speak, in the splendid new varieties is the too common lack of scent. What becomes of the commonplaces, "Arose by any other name would smell as sweet" and "Die of a rose in aromatic pain," if the flower has no smell or aroma ?