19 DECEMBER 1908, Page 25

The Diva's Ruby. By F. Marion Crawford. (Macmillan and. Co.

Os.)—The character of a heroine must be indeed a masterly creation for the reader to wish to follow her through three novels. Mr. Marion Crawford seems to find his present heroine, "Soprano" of the first book, the "Primadonna" of the second, and the "Diva" of this, so attractive that his readers are beginning to fear that they may never escape from her at all. Even in this

book, though she marries at the end, there are dark hints as to the possible Bohemian nature of the lives of singers which make it to be feared that her sentimental history is not even yet over. We hope, however, that we are doing Mr. Marion Crawford an injustice, and that enough of Miss Margaret Donne's nature remains in Margarita da Cordova for her to subside into private life and give the author of her existence a chance to make a fresh start with a new heroine.