The Country Home. (A. Constable and Co. 5s. net.)—Wo welcome
a new periodical, The Country Home, of which the first volume (May—October, 1908) lies before us. It treats of many things that concern country life, gardening being eminent among them. We would specially notice three articles on "How to Live without Servants." This really is an account of how a man and his wife built a house, and how they live in it, without servants, as they say,—an admirable idea if one could always be, as Sarpedon says to Glaucus, for ever without old age and death and all that these two things imply. If you have no servant, you must not, anyhow your wife must not, be ill. But the articles contain many valuable hints as to house arrangement and management. The budget shows £181
for necessaries and for luxuries ; clothing, charity, and doctor's bill—there must, as we have inferred, be no doctor— are extra. This estimate is good enough.