Mr. Renter's Atlantic Telegraph agent in New York has- become
rather more intelligible, but even less instructive, than before, this week. On Monday last we heard, "There are indications that the present attempt to impeach President Johnson will be abandoned." On Wednesday we learned, "Notwithstanding the efforts made for the abandonment of the impeachment of President Johnson, the Radical members of the House of Re- presentatives strongly insist on its being proceeded with,"— from which we may gather that the " indications " of the previous telegram were indications that the President's party wished the impeachment abandoned, which we are not surprised to hear. Clearly the "efforts made for the abandonment" are now con- fessed not to have been made by the Radicals,—indeed, if they had been, so much effort would not have been called for ; but it must be a matter of very great effort to abandon a course you have never pursued. On Thursday we learned, "The Radical members of the House continue their efforts for the impeachment of Presi- dent Johnson." Now, there is 28/. 10s. worth (at 100. a word) of telegraphing in this week's messages, and not a halfpennyworth of news. Mr. Reuter's agent is as fond of " efforts " as Mrs. Chick, in Dombey and Son. Could he not make "an effort for the aban- donment" of this species of newsmongering, or could not Mr. Reuter "make an efrort for the abandonment" of him?