19 JANUARY 1867, page 21
The Imperial Bible Dictionary. Edited By Rev. P....
Illustrated by numerous engravings. 2 vols. (Blackie and Son.) — One's first impulse on looking at these two handsome volumes is to wonder why so much labour and capital should......
Three Hundred Desop's Fables. Literally Translated From...
Rev. G. F. Townsend, M.A. With Ill illustrations designed by Harrison Weir, and engraved by J. Greenaway. (Routledge.)—We have here our old friend /E3op in a now and very......
William Hogarth's Essays On The Man, The Work, And The
Time. By (IA. Sala. (Smith and Elder.)—This reprint from the Cornhill Magazine is not without considerable merit of a certain kind. Mr. Sala's digressive and interjectional......