News Of The Week.
A TERRIBLE calamity took place in Regent's Park last Tuesday evening, just as it was growing dark, a little before four o'clock. The frost was not so keen as it had been, and......
The Marquis Of Exeter Died On Wednesday. He Was The
descendant of Elizabeth's Lord Burghley, the son of Miss Sarah Hoggins,—the original of Tennyson's "Lady of Burleigh," and said to have been worthy of the poem,—and the greatest......
The Weather Of The Week Has Been Detestable. The Frost
set in on the night of Friday, the 11th inst., and during the seven days we have had but one thaw, which lasted only for an hour or two. At 5 p.m. on Monday the thermometer in......
Professor Fawcett Made, In Some Respects, A Very Good Speech
to his constituents at Brighton on Monday. He was not gloomy about the last session. The Tories, if they had joined the Liberals, he said, might three years before the repeal of......
The Queen Is To Open Parliament Herself,—" With The Same
state," says the Times, " as last year." Does this mean that she will not read the Speech herself? We hope she may, for she reads much better than Lord Chelmsford. If the State......
The Distress In London Is Becoming Excessive. The...
contractors have produced a stoppage of many large works, there is a strike among the shipwrights, who have formally rejected a written offer of Gs. 6d. a day, many trades are......
The Count De Chambord, Last Of The French Bourbons Of
the elder branch, on 9th December issued a sort of manifesto to his party. It is in the form of a letter to General de St. Priest, and informs him that the year has not been......
The Allgemeine Zeitung Publishes A Statement, Which The...
journal of Berlin characterizes as only inexact in form, upon the demand made by the Emperor of the French after the signature of the preliminaries of peace between Austria and......