An English Gnostic.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR, —In your article on "An English Gnostic," you "suppose no Western mind, at all events in Christian ages, has ever even glanced at such a......
70 The Editor Of The "spectator."] Have No Desire To
controvert the theosophic views you express in an article on the remarkable "Papers of a Suicide" now appearing in the Reader, but they are accompanied and weakened by an......
Dwellings For The Labouring Classes. [to The Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR."] Sus,—In the article in your number of January 12, upon the "Reconstruction of London," you say, after quoting the rents at which it is proposed to let the rooms in......
SIR FRANCIS DOYLE'S POEMS.* SIR FRANCIS DOYLE is the most important rival of Mr. Ruskin in the candidature for the Chair of Poetry at Oxford, vacant in the spring, when Mr.......