The conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the
'Gospel in superseding the lawful authority of the Bishop of Natal, and confirming the dismissal at the end of the current year of Mr. Tonnesen, one of its missionaries, has led to the formation of a Committee to provide a salary for Mr. TOnnesen, and to aid the Bishop of Natal for the present with other funds which may be wanted in consequence of similar proceedings. If the S. P. G. are consistent, they will indeed withdraw the salary -of every clergyman who acknowledges the Bishop of Natal's autho-
rity. In any ease, the Bishop is now placed under special diffi-culties, and will need special pecuniary aid. The general Cora- mittee comprises nine clergymen, amongst whom is Professor .Jowett, and three laymen, namely, Sir Charles Lyell, Sir William Guise, and Major-General Lang. Subscriptions will ba taken by Messrs. Roberts, Lubbock, and Co., or by Mr. Westlake, 2 New .Square, Lincoln's Inn. We trust this Defence Association will not need a more than temporary life. The S. P. G. have made a grave error in committing themselves to this act of gross partizan- ship, f‘rom which they cannot too soon withdraw.