19 JANUARY 1918, Page 1

Mr. Baker, the American Secretary of War, has given the

Senate a most encouraging account of America's military preparations. At the close of the year, the American Army numbered 110,856 officers and 1,428,650 men ; it had been increased sevenfold in nine months. There are millions of recruits to take the places of the trained men as they go oversee.. A substantial army, fully equipped, specially trained, and ready for active service, is now in France. Mr. Baker declares that no such army has ever been

raised and trained so quickly. Congress has voted £1,500,000,000 for the Army in 1918. For ordnance alone it has voted £640,000,000. The Aviation Corps has grown from 65 officers and 1,100 men to 4,000 officers and 82,000 men. These stupendous feats are not fully realized by the British public, but they are well understood at the German Headquarters. America is putting her whole force into the war, and to make victory certain the Allies have only to hold the enemy until America is ready to strike.