19 JANUARY 1918, page 17

Hampi Ruins. By A. H. Longhurst. (madras : Government Press.

4s. 6d.)—The Superintendent of the Indian Archaeological Survey, Southern Circle, has written a scholarly account of the ruins of the once famous Hindu capital of Vijayanagar or......

Works Of Reference.—the New Mizell Annual For 1918,...

T. A. Ingram (H. Frowde and Hodder and Stoughton, 5s. net), has swelled to 920 pages, and includes a very full and good summary of the war in its various aspects, with maps and......

Organise For Peace. By Edward L. George. (drones. Gs.)— The

kernel of Mr. George's somewhat rhetorical book lies in the suggestion that there should be a minimum wage for every person, the wage being graded according to capacity, whether......

Mr. R. T. Gunther, The Well-known Oxford Zoologist, Has Pub-

lished a Report on Agricultural Damage by Vermin and Birds in Norfolk and Oxfordshire in 2916 (H. Milford, 2s. 6d. not) which throws light on an old controversy. Mr. Gunther......

Short . Extracts Arranged Under Six Heads—autobiography,...

love and marriage, politics, religion and war. They are not all wise or sincere, but they are all interesting. "A nation ought never to do anything contrary to honour, for in......

Le Purgatoire. Par Mme. La Comtesse Horace De Choiseul...

: Firmin-Didot. En vente chez Baranger, 5 Rue des Saints- Peres. 15 fr.)—Le Paradis. Par Mine. la Comtessa Horace de Choiseul. (Paris : Hachette et Cie. 15 fr.)—These beautiful......

Papers Relating To The Army Of The Solemn League And

Covenant. Edited by C. S. Terry. 2 vols. (Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable, for the Scottish History Society.)—Professor Sanford Terry has done a service in editing the accounts......