19 JANUARY 1918, page 1

The Admiralty Return For Last Week Of Losses By Mine

or submarine is encouraging. It is the best, save one, that we have had since the new 'U '-boat campaign began last February. We lost only four large ships, one smaller ship,......

Mr. Baker, The American Secretary Of War, Has Given The

Senate a most encouraging account of America's military preparations. At the close of the year, the American Army numbered 110,856 officers and 1,428,650 men ; it had been......

News Of The Week.

S IR AUCKLAND GEDDES, the Minister of National Service, made an important statement on Man-Power when the House of Commons reassembled on Monday. Our armies, he said, were......

The Battle-front In France And Flanders Has Been...

during the past week, though the guns have never ceased to thunder, and though there have been many small trench raids at various points. Our Italian Allies, however, profited......

Yarmouth Was Bombarded From The Sea On Monday Night,...

by an enemy submarine. The firing lasted for five minutes. Twenty shells fell in the town, causing the death of six persons and wounding seven others. Some houses were badly......

The Board Of Admiralty Has Been Reorganized, And The Staff

has been largely remanned with officers who have been at sea during the war. The division of the Board's functions between Operations and Maintenance has been extended to the......

This Great Naval And Military Effort,iefir Auckland...

must be maintained. Therefore from 420,000 to 450,000 civilians at least must be called up, and replaced in part by discharged soldiers. The Government would not either lower or......

The New Military Service Bill Which Sir Auckland Geddes Was

in- troducing would, he explained, abolish the two months' exemption enjoyed by certain men in certified occupations. It would also en- able the Department to withdraw......

The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The...

give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the "Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......

Notice.—with This Week's Number Of The " Spectator" Is...

an Eight-Page Suplement, containing the Half-Yearly Index and Title-Page—i.e., from July 7th to December 29th, 1917, inclusive.......