19 JANUARY 1918, Page 1

The battle-front in France and Flanders has been relatively quiet

during the past week, though the guns have never ceased to thunder, and though there have been many small trench raids at various points. Our Italian Allies, however, profited by the snowfall in the hills, which has deranged the enemy's communica- tions, to recapture on Monday some of the positions they had lost east of the Brenta, near Monte Asolone. Nearly three hundred Austrians were taken prisoners in this affair. The British airmen in Italy continue to work havoc on the enemy's machines, thirty of which they have now destroyed. Our airmen in France made a very successful daylight raid on the railway station at Karlsruhe on Monday, inflicting damage and returning unharmed. On Tuesday they bombed the steelworks at Thionville and the railway junctions near Metz. Bad weather seems to have no terrors for our airmen.