19 JANUARY 1918, page 3

The House Of Lords On Tuesday Rejected, By 90 Votes

to 62, the proposal to refer the Woman Suffrage clause to a pbll of the women registered as local government electors. The opponents of Woman Suffrage made out a plausible case;......

The Political Crisis -in Australia Has Ended In The...

of office by Mr. Hughes and his old Cabinet, which has a large majority in both Houses of the Federal Parliament The Governor-General, Sir R. Munro-Ferguson, has explained that......

Sir Alfred Keogh, The Director-general Of Army Medical...

resigning his great office and returning on March 1st to his post as Director of the Imperial College of Science. He has accom- plished a wonderful work, and millions of sick......

We Are Glad That Mr. Asquith Did Not Take His

stand upon any mistaken point of pride, and think that dignity was best served and misstatement best answered by silence. In a general way, we agree that the leaders of the......

We Desire To Inform Our Readers That, In Response To

several reqaests, the leading article entitled "New Year Resolves" which appeared in the Spectator of December 29th. 1917, has been republished in pamphlet form. We give......

Mr. Asquith, As President Of The London Liberal...

on Tuesday a private meeting of the leading members of the Party Associations. Liberalism, he said, was not the creed of Quiescence or of doubt, and its articles could not be......

The Morning Post Of Tuesday Published A Letter In Which

the Duke of Somerset apologized for baying said that Mr. Asquith had "shaken hands with the Sinn Fein prisoners" after the Dublin Revolt. In a footnote, the Morning Post stated......

Cambridge Has Lost A Stately And Familiar Figure In Dr.

Montagu Butler, - the Master of Trinity, who died on Monday at the age of eighty-four. He was the old academic tradition incarnate. The son of a Head-Master of Harrow who was......

The House Of Lords On Thursday Week, After Two Days'

debate in Committee, rejected Lord Loreburn's proposal to omit Woman Suffrage from the Franchise Bill by 134 votes against 71. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Haldane, and......

The War Cabinet, Having Already Increased The Pay Of The

sailors and soldiers from October 1st last, has now increased the pay of the junior officers of the Navy and Army from the same date. The minimum rate for an Army officer will......

Bank Rate, 5 J:sr Cent., Changed From 51 Per Cent.

April 5, 1917.......