19 JANUARY 1918, Page 3

Cambridge has lost a stately and familiar figure in Dr.

Montagu Butler,- the Master of Trinity, who died on Monday at the age of eighty-four. He was the old academic tradition incarnate. The son of a Head-Master of Harrow who was Senior Wrangler in the second year of the great French war, Dr. Butler was himself Senior Classic, and ruled for over a quarter of a century at Harrow before he was nominated by the Crown in 1886 to the Mastership. His dignified courtesy and his catholic appreciation of all good causes endeared the late Master to Cambridge men, and to a great circle of friends and acquaintances in the world outside. He wrote little, but we may be permitted to say that his last published words were his appreciation of his old friend Dr. Llewelyn Davies which appeared over the signature of " Amicus " in the Spectator for May 27th, 1916.