The House of Lords on Tuesday rejected, by 90 votes
to 62, the proposal to refer the Woman Suffrage clause to a pbll of the women registered as local government electors. The opponents of Woman Suffrage made out a plausible case; but though we are all for the Referendum in principle, we do not think that it could he applied with advantage to this question at the present time. The Speaker's Conference, including representatives of all parties,, agreed to Woman Suffrage on certain conditions. The House of Commons by an overwhelming majority ratified the decision of the Confer- Ones. The The House of Lords by a large majority has confirmed the view of the House of Commons. It seem to us that it is now too late to try to go behind the decisive votes of both Houses of Parlia- ment by appealing to the relatively limited number of women who are local government electors. We must accept the settled conclu- sion of Parliament, and hope for the best