19 JANUARY 1918, Page 3

We desire to inform our readers that, in response to

several reqaests, the leading article entitled "New Year Resolves" which appeared in the Spectator of December 29th. 1917, has been republished in pamphlet form. We give elsewhere the necessary details as in the price of the pamphlet and the manner in which It can be obtained.. The article was an attempt to convey to the nation some idea of bow the spirit that wins victories can be created and diffused. Ultimately a nation can always be saved by the people themselves. Statesmen may become scared by adversity and be inclined te give way, and if such a crisis should ever arise, then is the time when private persons, however few they may fancy themselves to be in numbers, can confidently stand together and say that they are resolved that the country shall be kept on its true course. If they are resolute enough, they can always play the part of the poor wise man "who by his wisdom delivered the city."