19 JANUARY 1918, Page 11



SIR,—I am much interested in your notice in the "News of the Week" of January 5th of the bread made with the addition of potatoes, as for several years before the war I had used potatoes in our household bread, as a matter of choice, rather than of economy. Since it became imperative to consider every ounce of flour used, I have increased the proportion of potatoes, until new I always use 1 lb. to each 3lb. of flour, and I also add to this quantity half a cup of whole rice, stewed in the oven with water till reduced to a Pulp. This bread is considered by my friends to be very superior to that sold by bakers, and I can vouch for its keeping qualities. It is less dry at the end of a week than ordi- nary bread of three days old. Both rice and potatoes help in this. As you see, the proportioe of potatoes is considerably higher than the one you quote. I am venturing to send you a small sample of our ordinary bread, baked to-day in our own small range. 'The rolls are of the same dough as the loaf.—I am, Sir,

Des ford, near Leicester. Betenli BURDETT.

[We congratulate our correspondent on the loaf and rolls. They are excellent in shape and colour and much more palatable than the ordinary baker's bread of to-day.—ED. Spectator.]