Bulgaria's Neutrality
The Turkish Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs has returned home after a journey which may prove to be of historic importance. In his visits to Paris and London his negotiations led to agreements under which France and Britain have arranged a credit to Turkey for £25,000,000 for the purchase of armaments in the Allied countries, together with other loans and pledges, the total amounting to £53,000,000. On his return journey via Sofia he had talks with the Bulgarian Prime Minister which were a real contribution to the cause of appeasement in the Balkans. Whilst Italy last week made her contribution in the same direction by promising support to Hungary so that she may be counted upon not to attack Rumania if Rumania herself is attacked by Russia, Turkey has been smoothing the position in Bulgaria, which had been regarded as a potential opponent of Rumania. The accord between Turkey and Bulgaria ostensibly concerns only the relations between those two countries. It expresses determination on each side to safeguard the strict maintenance of neutrality. But Turkey is a member of the Balkan Entente, and will shortly be attending a conference of the Entente Powers. Bulgaria's improved relations with Turkey presuppose improved rela- tions with her associates in the Entente, and the Turkish Government is intent on working to that end.