19 JANUARY 1940, page 18

The University Labour Federation Sn1, — Opinions Among...

as to the taste of " Janus's " reference to the anti-war vote of the Uni- versity Labour Federation's conference. But I hope all of your readers will agree with me in protesting......

Strt,—as A Member Of The University Labour Federation For...

last three and a half years, for half that time an active member of the Oxford City Labour party, and for the last half a member of the Communist party, as a delegate to the......

The Rest Of Our Lives Sin,—as A Regular Reader Of

The Spectator for many years, I wish to express my entire agreement with the timely artic!e which appeared in the issue of January 5th, under the head- ing "The Rest of Our......

Let Hitler Judge Hitler

Sm,—Opinion is sharply divided as to the effectiveness of Nazi propaganda in this country, and what retaliation, if any, should be taken. It is the old controversy of Free Trade......

Sin,—i Should Like To Associate Myself With The Views...

in the article "The Rest of Our Lives," which appeared in your issue of January 5th. _ In assuming that its conclusions are based upon the Government's estimate of the duration'......