In An Article On The Channel Tunnel In The Spectator
of December 29th it was mentioned that one shareholder of the old Submarine Continental Railway Company, founded in 1881, was still alive. That was Mr. Charles Sheath. The......
Not As Much Notice As Might Have Been Wished Has
been taken of the centenary of the birth of Austin Dobson, which fell on Thursday of this week. It is made the more per- tinent by the death of Humbert Wolfe, another civil......
The Deplorable Statistics Of Road-accidents In December...
instructive conclusion. Though the number of adult pedestrians killed was 746 in December, 1939, as against 321 in December, 1938, an increase of over 230 per cent., the number......
It Could Once Be Said With Some Truth That The
Navy was called the silent Service, but it was voluble compared with the Royal Air Force. That is so no longer. We are being told a great deal, and rightly, of the exploits of......
A Spectator's Notebook
W HAT has aroused my curiosity most in connexion with the Hore-Belisha affair is the undelivered speech. I mean, of course, Lord Beaverbrook's. Nobody, clearly, has felt more......
While On The Subject Of The R.a.f. I Should Like
to know —perhaps some M.P. would think it worth while to put a question on the point—whether it is true that whereas regular R.A.F. officers get an adequate allowance for ex-......
Children Without Schools
I N passing a unanimous resolution that "it is desira- able that compulsory school attendance should be restored as soon as possible" the Manchester Education Committee has......