19 JANUARY 1940, page 3

There Has Been Some Uneasiness Over The Ministry Of Economic

Warfare, but it was largely dispelled by Mr. Cross's admirable statement on Wednesday afternoon. He had not hitherto made any very notable contribution from the Front Bench. On......

.* Many People Have Remarked On The Increased Vigour And

liveliness of the House of Commons since the war began. It is all the more unfortunate that the space given to Par- liament in the daily papers should be so drastically cur-......

It Soon Became Clear From The Speeches Of Mr. Attlee

and Sir Archibald Sinclair that the Opposition parties were not prepared to raise a Parliamentary storm over the War Minister's resignation. Had it been otherwise, Mr. Cham-......

"enemy Aliens"

Figures published by the Home Office show that last October there were more than 74,000 Germans or Austrians registered by the police in the United Kingdom. Such a large number......

Evacuated Businesses And Civil Servants

Out of 3,600 business concerns which left London last September 600 have now returned, and many others are weighing up the pros and cons in situations which in every case have......

The Week In Parliament

Our Parliamentary correspondent writes: Mr. Hore- Belisha's speech must have come as a surprise to the general public and even to a section of the House of Com- mons. It was......

Wages And Prices — The Labour View The Trades Union...

Council makes its comment on the "vicious spiral" of ascending prices and wages in an official report to the affiliated unions. It denies the responsibility of the unions in......