19 JANUARY 1940, Page 2

Japan's New Government

The political crisis in Japan has led to the formation of a new Government under Admiral Yonai, whose task it is to remove the causes of social discontent at home and find a way out of the entanglements of the war with China and strained relations with foreign Powers. There have been no fewer than eight Cabinets in seven years, and three in the last twelve months ; and even the military chiefs can no longer resist the demand for a strong Government, enjoying political support, to deal with the problem of rising prices and taxation and embarrassed trade. It has to find a way of maintaining prestige both in regard to the war and to foreign Powers, ond make this compatible with drastic measures of economic reform. Admiral Yonai himself, though not well known to the general public, is respected both by the military services and by Parliament. The Foreign Minister, M. Arita, has the advantage of being an experienced diplomatist. Mr. Sakurachi, the Finance Minister, appears to owe his appointment to the fact that he is persona grata to the politicians, and the new Chief Secretary, M. Ishiwata, has the confidence of the business community.