19 JANUARY 1940, Page 30


Like many other industries the linoleum trade is con- fronted by some awkward problems on the materials side. At this week's meeting of Michael Nairn and Greenwich Sir Robert Spencer-Nairn, who read the speech of Sir Michael Nairn, the chairman, reminded shareholders that most of the company's essential raw materials were con- trolled by the Government, and, mainly as a result of in- creases in freight and insurance, costs had risen, but he did not see why there should be any further violent increases He was hopeful that the advances in selling prices which had already been made would be sufficient to safeguard the reasonable margin of profit. In present conditions he re- frained from venturing any definite forecast as to the current year's results, but he intimated that the board had entered the year in good heart. With its strong reserves this group is well buttressed against any contingent liabilities which may arise during the war.