19 JUNE 1915, Page 16


[To ran Eimer Or 555 ..Brearair01..]

Sus,—Some members of the Public School Alpine Sports Club bare suggested that if subscriptions were invited from members of the Club a sufficient sum might be raised to provide two motor ambulances for use at the front.

A special Sub-Committee has accordingly been appointed to carry out this proposal. On their behalf I write to invite your cooperation. The cost of an ambulance ear is £400, and at least £100 is required for its upkeep. We should like, if the response is sufficient, to present both the British Red Cross Society and the British Ambulance Committee to Service de Sante Militaire with a complete ambulance on behalf of the Club. The need for a further supply of motor ambulances is urgent. Although a large number have been sent to the front, the wear and tear is excessive, and a constant supply is necessary in order to ensure an efficient service.

The British ambulance to Service de Santé Militaire Committee —whose President is the Duke of Portland—has three convoys under the direct control of the French military authorities, each consisting of thirty ambulance cars. As an instance of their value it may be mentioned that in one night no less than 1,001 wounded French soldiers were brought in from the Bring lines by sixteen cart Many members of the Club have probably subscribed to the cost of the ambulance equipped by their school as well as to other war funds, and largo subscriptions cannot therefore be expected. A subscription, however, of even one guinea from each member would enable the Club to carry out its object. Contributions should be sent to the Secretary, 3 Upper Woburn Place, Tavistock Square, London, W.C. Cheques should be made payable to the London County and Westminster Bank. A report of the steps which have been taken as a result of this appeal will be sent

to the Press in due course—I am, Sir, ha, Limner. 3 Upper Woburn Place, Tavistock Square, W.C.