19 JUNE 1915, page 3

In An Excellent Letter To The Times Of Tuesday Lord

Cromer emphasized the importance of some decisive statement by Mr. Lloyd George as to (1) Trade Unions; (2) the profits of employers. While recognizing the value of Trade Unions......

The Papers Have Published Details Of The Eareer Of Mr.

Ignatius Timothy Tribich Lincoln, who has written for the New York World a cock-and-bull story of how he was dis- gusted by the cruel treatment of aliens in Britain, tried to......

An Air Raid By The Allies On Karlernhe, The Capital

of Baden, took place on Monday. No less than twenty-three aviators—some British and some French—joined in the attack, which was directed on the forts, the railway station, the......

The Special Correspondent Of The Times With The Russian...

described in Monday's paper the wonderful conduct of the Russians on May 30th, apparently near Warsaw, when the Germans for the first time in Poland used poisonous gam. As the......

Last Saturday At Bristol Mr. Lloyd George Spoke To A

meeting representative of the engineering trades in the West Country. Victory, he said, was impossible without the help of the engineers at home. Many engineers had gone to the......

At The Church House On Wednesday Afternoon The National...

League held its annual meeting under the chairman- ship of Lord Milner. Lord Milner in his address, though he stood firm to the principles of national service and universal......

On Friday Week At Cardiff Mr. Lloyd George Spoke In

a thoroughly frank and practical manner to employers and workers in the engineering and metal trades of South Wales. There was a shortage of shells, and he appealed for the want......

The Greek General Elections Have Resulted In A Victory For

the Venezelist party, which desires intervention in the war. In the new Chamber there are one hundred and ninety Venezeliats and ninety-three supporters of the present......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.

Aug. 8th.......