19 JUNE 1915, page 15

Longs And Shorts.

[To sae Herron or see "Bram:mm."1 Sin,—In the amusing paper in the last Spectator on "Longs and Shorts " there are some good instances of fine language, but for sheer grandeur......

China And The War.

[To sea karma or TEM "sracrirea., SIE,—In the interesting letter which you published last week with reference to the diffusion of appropriate war literature in China, your......


rTo TRY EDITOR or THE n SPECIA708 . 1 SIR,—There are many who care for Ober-Ammergau, and they may like to bear that—except for the departure of some of the younger men—the......

The Polish Victims Relief Fund.

[To rem EDER. or sae "8”OTATOR., Sss,—The existence in Great Britain of more than one organisa- tion for Polish relief has led to some confusion in the public mind. We think it......

The Boys' Country Work Society.

[To TER Herron 07 MN "BreoraroA") EIR,—As the Boys' Country Work Society has received generous support from the readers of the Spectator, I think it may interest them to hear......

The Question Of Women In Agriculture. [to See Bruns Or

Tee “Sesorarou."] Sin,—May I suggest that Mrs. Grosvenor's letter in your issue of last Saturday should be circulated as a tract by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel......