19 JUNE 1915, page 21

The Captain Of His Soul. By Henry James Forman. (grant

Richards. 6s.)—When Gilbert Spottswood, not far from starvation, and unable to satisfy his ambition for journalistic work, lived in a slum in New York, his German landlord......


JOURNEYS WITH JERRY THE .TARVEY.I. Taw word "jersey " is a curious example of specialization. Nowadays it is applied nine times out of ten to the driver of an Irish car. But its......

Burdy's Life Of Skelton.*

MACAULAY called Burdy's Life of Skelton an admirable picture of life in Ireland from 1707 to 1787. Skelton, it will be recalled, was an Ulster clergyman of considerable learning......

Marjory Mallory. By Ivan Hodgkinson. (t. Fisher Us Win....

Hodgkinson has made his first adventure into fiction in the "First Novel Library," where he is, at all events, in good company. In his story he has chosen to concentrate all his......