19 JUNE 1915, Page 3

The papers have published details of the eareer of Mr.

Ignatius Timothy Tribich Lincoln, who has written for the New York World a cock-and-bull story of how he was dis- gusted by the cruel treatment of aliens in Britain, tried to convey British secrete to the land of Sulfur by way of pro- teat, and finding himself suspected here fled to the United States. Lincoln's real name was Tribich. He is an Austrian by birth. When he was twenty-one he visited Canada and was ordained there. He then came to England and for a year was a curate in Kent. In 1905 be became secretary to Mr. Seebohm Rowntree, assumed the name of Lincoln, and was naturalized. In the General Election of January, 1910, he stood against Mr. Pike Pease at Darlington—a stronghold of the Peases—and was, to the surprise of all, elected. He made one speech in the House of Commons, with* was notable for the speaker's "Lincolnshire accent," as some one called it. After raising money by means of a forged signa- ture (as has since become known) and becoming bankrupt, he disappeared from the public eye. He was employed by the Government when war broke out on some translation work. There is not a word of truth in his statement that he was a "Censor." The impostor was soon mistrusted, and it is evident that he was quite outwitted by the Admiralty, who had taken his measure from the beginning of their dealings with him.