19 JUNE 1915, Page 2

In the Commons on Tuesday Mr. Asquith spoke of the

war, of national finance, and of the formation of the National Government with an intensity of feeling which produced an unusual impression on the House. The occasion VAS the Vote of Credit for £250,000,000—the fifth Vote sinee the beginning of the war. He explained that the £362,000,000 voted in the peat financial year represented an expenditure of £1,500,000 a day for two hundred and forty days, in addition to the expenditure of the normal peace Votes. The vote of £250,000,000 for the first few months of the present financial year included the normal peace Votes for the Army and Navy—about £30,000,000. Last Saturday, after seventy-three days, £56,000,000 of this Vote was unspent. This meant a daily expenditure of 22,660,000. He anticipated that the new Vote would be spent at the rate of £3,000,000 a day.