19 JUNE 1915, Page 1

In the French section there has been some very satisfactory

work during the week in spite of the usual German wireless talk of "heavy French defeats," which means of course nothing more than the usual attacks and counter-attacks. In the Labyrinth and around the railway station of Beechen the balance of the fighting baa gone very distinctly in favour

of France. The French, it is also stilted, have made important progress in the Vosges. Here, say Thursday's telegrams, they took three hundred and forty unwounded prisoners and a great deal of material, among which were many rifles and half a million cartridges. We are glad to say we can also record a Belgian success. The Belgians have crossed to the north aide of the Yser and have maintained their ground. The continued activity of the Belgians is the brightest spot in the war. They fight as did the "Disinherited Knight " in Ivanhoe, and in the end their triumph will be as his.