19 JUNE 1915, Page 22

READABLE NOVELS.—The House of the Misty Star. By the Author

of The Lady of the Decoration. (Hodder and Stough. ton. 6s.)—A prettily written and "understanding" story of young Americans in old Japan.—Battles of Life. By Austin Philips. (Martin Seeker. 6e.)—Those of Mr. Philips's stories which are concerned with the deeper emotions are admirably dramatic; in light comedy he is lees convincing. —Years of Plenty. By Ivor Brown. (Same publisher and price.)—This study of a boy at school and University is cleverly written and "exactly like."—Who Goes There ! By Robert W. Chambers. (D. Appleton and Co. 6s.)—Mr. Chambers has made of the German spy system in the autumn of last year a most romantic and thrilling story.