SIR,—The correspondence under the above heading shows signs of flood. ing a much wider area than you envisaged when you allowed it to begin. But—if space allows—may I, in case no rnpre distinguished O.T. scholar takes up the gage thrown down by the Rev. A. H. T. Clarke, be allowed to say that (a) the " popular. theory,'" of a " double Isaiah " has not been demolished, " practically " (or even partially) by the discovery of " Elamite Persian " words in Isaiah; and (b) that the late date of Daniel has not been " actually demolished " by the discovery of Early Ionian Greek in that book! Both dates rest on many other considerations than the purely linguistic ones. I, too, have a sufficient smattering of knowledge of the various Semitic tongues to be able to form my own conclusions as to the value of the arguments based on the (possible) appearance of Assyrian root-forms in the Hebrew Scriptures.—Your