18 JUNE 1942, page 14

Country Life

TWICE within four days my bees have gone through a rather rare manoeuvre. The stock in q uestion is a very stron g one, g rowin g rather too numerous for the hive, and not......

English Tobacco Close Alon G Side This Same Afforested...

several times a early experiment in g rowin g En g lish tobacco. It was extremely succe s ful, at any rate so far as the plants and the curin g of the leaves we concerned. The......

The Government And Fuel Sir,—i Think With You That The

Government would have been better advised to have adhered in principle to the Beverid g e Scheme, and for the very reason set forth by Sir John Percival in his letter in The......

A Lost Verb Sir,—i Am Anxious To Be Informed By

any of your readers who are also writers what has happened to the verb " be g in." No modern author now uses it I notice. The followin g q uotations will illustrate my point:......

The Marquis De Sade Stn,—with Reference To Lord...

poem in defence of the Mar q uis de Sade in comparison with Heydrich, it may be remem- bered that the Mar q uis, who was in prison at the time that the French Revolution broke......

Vermin Virtues An Ardent Re Q Uest That Vermin,...

weasels, shou t not be allowed to multiply appeared recently in The Field, and it evok the comment that stoats and weasels killed rats. Now it is part of m creed that both......

In The Garden One Of The Most Disappointin G Events In

the orchard is the shriven' and droppin g of already formed fruit. It is often Nature's proper meth of reducin g excess ; but it may be due to other causes, and the preventive......

Postage On This Issue : Inland And Overseas, Td.


Food Wastage

Snt,—Mr. Seeley says that the statements of myself and Sir William Beach Thomas are not supported by facts. I am afraid his are equally unsupported. He says that now practically......