18 JUNE 1942, page 4

The Resumption Of Raids On Germany On Tuesday Night Does

something to relieve the perplexity which the failure to follow up the two thousand-machine raids last month had caused. The sensation they created throughout the world, with......

A.b.c.a.—the Army Bureau Of Current • Affairs—is One Of Th

most hopeful innovations of this war, and the report which has just been issued on its first eight or nine months' working shows that the initial hopes were not misplaced. The......

A Spectator 's Notebook

I HAVE more than once emphasised here the disastrous failure of the various half-hearted attempts to interpret this country to Russia. Never was the necessity greater than on......

The Hard Case Of Lord Wardington Leaves Me, Of Course,

sym- pathetic, but rather perplexed. What he said in the House of Lords on Tuesday, if The Times report can be trusted, was that "the highest category of surtax-payers were......

What To Me Is A New, And Certainly A Very

interesting, point o view on the question of family allowances has just been put befo me. I commit myself to no final judgement on it, but it obviously deserves consideration.......

There Is Something Characteristically Insolent In Japan's...

the suggestion that a Chinese envoy to the Vatican should be appointed. Japan herself recently despatched such an envoy, for transparently political reasons. The number of Japan......

Russia's Year

WELVE months ago next Monday Hitler, being bound by a I treaty of nearly two years' standing to refrain from any act of force or aggression against Russia, invaded Russia......