The Status Of The Clergy
The Church Assembly has been dealing this week with a number of Measures touching the status and conduct of the Anglican clergy. Those which received general approval on Tuesday......
Eclipse Of Battleships
The decision of the United States Government to stop work on five new monster battleships and concentrate on aircraft carriers instead corresponds to the clear lessons of the......
Coal Today And Tomorrow
Both Sir Stafford Cripps' past and his possible future invest any contribution he makes to the discussion of social and industrial con- ditions in this country with considerable......
Home-grown Wheat
When the Government set out to expand home wheat-growing in 1939 it may be taken that the most profitable wheatland in the country was already under the plough. And as the......
Mr. Butler's Projects
Mr. Butler was not very lavish of promises, and even about raising the school age from 14 to 15 he could merely say that it should be done " when we get the chance." Meantime,......