18 JUNE 1942, Page 21


(A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct olution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week. ;nr elopes should be received not later than first r.7st that day and must bear the cord "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a zit'. stamp. Solutions must 4. on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution nd the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


t. Dame Panington gave it the push. I. Helps you twice first.

9. The " Tragic Muse " was his. e. Plaits unplaited.

2. The bores take a little credit first.

3. Where a Shakespeare villain seems to be canonised.

3. No deceit about taking in like this. ll. For the half-and-half traveller.

5. Shelley should have felt at home here. LI. All this is quite all right.

6. No painter would so order his picture. r. More advantageous if the general had had the key. I. They are driven in.

6 Throw it out? No, it's jet.


I. " Jove's planet rises yonder, silent over —." (Browning.) l. Amateur, not necessarily at song- writing.

Food, stupids I

25. Show.

By Charles Kingsley.

A gay fellow.

Chiefly famous for natural history. Leonardo. (2, 5.) Another such and we are undone, said Pyrrhus. 16. Cupid shouldn't be armed wi h this.

17. Held up in a London street 19. Sue hero to do it.

20. A part of the Brutus mixture. 21.. They get on in hers.

22. Fit relatior.s who usually ring. 25. See 4.