19 OCTOBER 1895, Page 25

The Last Load Home. By the Rev. J. R. Vernon.

(R.T.S.)— Canon Vernon's books, with their thoughtful observations and interpretations of Nature, are, we trust, known to many of our readers. "The Harvest of a Quiet Eye," a title which admirably indicates the character of the whole, was published in 1867. Five years ago we had what the author intended to be a conclusion of the series, "Gleanings after Harvest." But he has been per- suaded, we are glad to say, to add a fourth, and we have it here. 'We are not always in agreement with the moralisings ; now and then they look a little strained. The "foolish bees," as he calls them, had some good reason for coming into his house. Instinct is not infallible, but it is never foolish. The chapters on "Sun- dials," "The Paradise of Silence," "Blackberries in the Lane," may be mentioned. We cannot say much for the illustrations, which have the look of having seen much service before.