19 OCTOBER 1895, page 18

Story Of A Donkey.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR: P i SIR,—As your readers seem interested in stories of affection and fidelity in animals, I think it possible you might consider the inclosed......

The Death Of Bob,' The South Australian Railway Dog.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Bob,' the South Australian railway dog, has ended his eventful career, which is, I think, worthy of notice in the Spectator.* Like many other......


SLEEP! the spirits that attend On thy waking hours are fled. Heaven thou canst not now offend Till thy slumber-plumes are shed; Consciousness alone doth lend Life its pain, and......


THE QUEST. 0 TIME, where hast thou laid My Self of yesterday ? Where at his tomb I prayed, I come again to pray- 'Tis empty ! Who has hither strayed And taken him away ?......

The Life-tide.

EACH wave that breaks upon the strand, How swift soe'er to spurn the sand And seek again the sea, Christ-like, within its lifted hand Must bear the stigma of the land For all......


ARCHIBALD FORBES'S MEMORIES.* THE author of these pages is nothing if not a war-corre- spondent. He is the very form and image of that product of the present times, of and from......